TREC Standard Home Inspection: Starting at $385 Depending On SQFT

A home is probably the biggest purchase you’ll ever make, so it’s important to understand the condition of your investment. I’ll provide a non-invasive evaluation of the home’s accessible structure, systems, and components. While a home inspection can’t reveal every concern that exists, it will significantly reduce your anxiety by arming you with the knowledge you need to make an informed home-buying decision. Click the button below to see a detailed list of whats included in this inspection.
Pre-Drywall Inspection: Starting at $650 Depending On SQFT

One way to ensure that a house is built according to its specifications is by performing a pre-drywall inspection. “Pre-drywall” refers to a phase during the homebuilding process just after the installation of certain elements – such as the doors, windows, foundation, flooring, wall and roof components, plumbing and electrical rough-in – and right before the drywall is hung. This in-progress or construction-phase inspection is useful because drywall can obscure some aspects of the interior and make identifying or fixing any problems both difficult and expensive, once the new home is completely finished.
4-Point Inspection: Starting at $300 Depending On SQFT

Many insurance companies require a 4-Point Inspection for homeowner’s insurance and renewals for an existing policy on an older home. The “four points” covered in this limited inspection include the four vital systems of the home: the roof, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC. This inspection identifies their components, determines their age, and assesses their overall condition.
Draw Inspection : Starting at $175 Depending On Scope Of Work

Are you a Lender, Insurance company or buyer who needs photos of specific Items, areas, equipment, or other general photos? I can also come out during different phases of the construction process to make sure your project is being executed according to your specs. I can verify that scheduled work has been completed before you make a payment to your contractor. I’ll also come out prior to project completion to help you and your general contractor devise a punch list of remaining items. Or maybe you just need some general photos taken. This is not a code-compliance inspection.
Commercial Building Inspection: Fee varies Depending On Various Factors

A commercial building inspection is meant to identify the current condition of the property as well as the cost that must be paid to make any of the necessary repairs. Everything from the interior of the building to the ventilation and air conditioning system will be checked during a commercial building inspection.
Monster Free Inspection: Included if requested

Moving to a new home can be stressful for children, too. That’s why I offer a Monster-Free Inspection and Certificate. Your child can accompany me while I inspect under their bed, under the stairs, in the closet, and anywhere else they want so I can assure them that there aren’t any monsters. Simply request this service when I schedule your inspection and I’ll bring a personalized Monster-Free Certificate with me.
Advanced Electrical System Inspection (Add-On Or Stand Alone Service): Starting At $275 Depending On Service Size

The advanced electrical inspection is tailored to your specific needs. Do you need a comprehensive electrical inspection that gives you a complete breakdown of your electrical system, breaker identification, electrical system diagnoses, electrical questions regarding specific installations? I am a licensed journeyman electrician and can help you with all your electrical needs. Schedule now!
Solar Inspection Or Survey (Add-On Or Stand Alone Service): Starting At $200 Depending On System Size

Over 3 years experience installing and surveying residential and commercial solar systems allows me to provide you with an educated and valuable solar inspection or survey. I will look over your entire system and let you know if there is anything that needs to be addressed or is presenting a hazard or safety violation. This inspection can be added to any other service or can be offered as a stand alone service. I can also provide a Solar Survey which includes drawings and measurements of each array and electrical installation site along with pictures of the associated electrical installation areas and mounting planes. Any additional information needed can be gathered as well!
Deck Inspection (Add-On Or Stand Alone Service): Starting at $150 Depending On SQFT

A deck inspection is extremely important, around 6,000 to 8,000 deck related injuries occur annually and many are due to deck collapses due to structural failure. Around 30 fatalities per year are related to deck collapses or railing failures. These failures are most commonly due to lack of maintenance and overloading or improper construction. My deck inspections are not guarantees but I am trained and certified to look for any defects that would indicate a safety hazard and/or improper construction.
Mold Inspection (Add-On Or Stand Alone Service): Starting at $150 Depending On # Of Samples And Sample Type

Mold is a type of Fungi that can is known to cause different types of irritations and sometimes health issues if exposure exists. The Mold inspection that I perform will test the contents of the air within the property compared to the air immediately outside the property. Once I collect the samples, I then send them off to a lab where they identify the types of mold (if any exists) along with how much of each type of fungi along with other contents was captured in the sample. The lab then sends the lab results back to me (usually within a 24 hour period subject to other factors) With this information, you can decide if mold remediation is necessary. The equipment I use, allows me to test air samples but also surface samples in case you see something on the walls, floors, ceilings, attics etc. that you would like to test to confirm if mold is present there. There are many different types of mold and each type has its own properties and affects. Each person has different levels of sensitivity when it comes to mold. Schedule a Mold inspection now! And make sure you are doing all you can to maximize the health of you and your family!
Arbitration Services (Stand Alone Service): Starting at $275 Depending On Case Complexity

I can help make your cases and claims go smoothly by acting as an Arbitrator in a variety of situations, I can provide professional opinions, defect identification and other claim related issues. Schedule a consultation now or give me a call and find out how I can help!